Panwada, Karahal, Sheopur, Madhya Pradesh |

Panwada - Village

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State - Madhya Pradesh District - Sheopur Block - Karahal Local Language - Hindi, Hadoti

About Panwada village

Panwada is a village located in Karahal Block of Sheopur district in Madhya Pradesh. Located in rural region of Sheopur district of Madhya Pradesh, it is one among the 140 villages of Karahal Block of Sheopur district. According to the government register, the village number of Panwada is 451874. The village has 328 homes.

Population of Panwada village

According to Census 2011, Panwada's population is 1543. Out of this, 789 are males whereas the females count 754 here. This village has 349 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Out of this 175 are boys and 174 are girls.

Literacy rate of Panwada village

Literacy ratio in Panwada village is 35%. 554 out of total 1543 population is literate here. Among males the literacy rate is 45% as 356 males out of total 789 are literate however female literacy ratio is 26% as 198 out of total 754 females are literate in this Village.
The dark portion is that illiteracy rate of Panwada village is shockingly high -- 64%. Here 989 out of total 1543 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 54% as 433 males out of total 789 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy ratio is 73% and 556 out of total 754 females are illiterate in this village.

Agricultural status of Panwada village

The count of employed individual of Panwada village is 679 still 864 are un-employed. And out of 679 occupied person 117 peoples are entirely dependent on agriculture.

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