Naya Gaon is a village positioned in Nahar Block of Rewari district in Haryana. Positioned in rural area of Rewari district of Haryana, it is one of the 46 villages of Nahar Block of Rewari district. As per the administration register, the village number of Naya Gaon is 62337. The village has 567 families.
According to Census 2011, Naya Gaon's population is 2867. Out of this, 1498 are males while the females count 1369 here. This village has 342 kids in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Out of this 186 are boys and 156 are girls.
Literacy rate in Naya Gaon village is 68%. 1962 out of total 2867 population is educated here. Among males the literacy rate is 79% as 1191 males out of total 1498 are literate while female literacy ratio is 56% as 771 out of total 1369 females are educated in this Village.
The dark portion is that illiteracy ratio of Naya Gaon village is 31%. Here 905 out of total 2867 individuals are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 20% as 307 males out of total 1498 are uneducated. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 43% and 598 out of total 1369 females are illiterate in this village.
The count of working people of Naya Gaon village is 1234 whereas 1633 are un-employed. And out of 1234 occupied people 472 peoples are totally dependent on agriculture.