Srinagar is a village situated in Khol Block of Rewari district in Haryana. Located in rural region of Rewari district of Haryana, it is one among the 62 villages of Khol Block of Rewari district. According to the government register, the village code of Srinagar is 62462. The village has 94 families.
According to Census 2011, Srinagar's population is 488. Out of this, 259 are males whereas the females count 229 here. This village has 45 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Among them 27 are boys and 18 are girls.
Literacy ratio in Srinagar village is 75%. 368 out of total 488 population is educated here. Among males the literacy rate is 84% as 219 males out of total 259 are educated while female literacy ratio is 65% as 149 out of total 229 females are educated in this Village.
The Negative side is that illiteracy ratio of Srinagar village is 24%. Here 120 out of total 488 people are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 15% as 40 males out of total 259 are uneducated. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 34% and 80 out of total 229 females are illiterate in this village.
The count of working individual of Srinagar village is 170 while 318 are non-working. And out of 170 occupied person 103 individuals are completely dependent on agriculture.