
Kondapur is one of 45 blocks of Medak district. There are total 23 villages/locations which come under Kondapur. Here is the list of villages/locations which come under Kondapur.
Click the below mentioned locations to get the detailed information about the village/locality.
You can also search your village/city on WikiVillage home page where you will get the detailed information about your village/city/location like population, litracy rate and educational status.
AliabadAnanthasagarChi KonapurGadimalkapuramGangaramGarakurthiGirmapurGollapalleGoplaram (Kurd)GunthapalleHaridaspurKondapurKutubshapetMachepalleMalkapurMallepalleMansanipalleMarepalleMohammadapurMunidevunipalleSaidapurTerpoleTogurpalle