Yamunanagar is a district located in Haryana state of India. There are total 6 blocks which comes under Yamunanagar district, and there are total 626 villages and 11 town areas which comes under this district.
As per Indian government records district code of Yamunanagar district is 71 and number of houses in this district is 163432.
As per Census 2011, total population of this district is 872634. Out of total 872634, male population count is 463594, where as female population count is 409040 in Yamunanagar.
According to the Indian Government population count of year 2011, this district has total 108866 children are in the age group of 0-6 years. In these 108866 children 59548 are boys and 49318 are girl child.
Literacy rate of Yamunanagar district is 65%. 573317 out of total 872634 population is literate in this district.
Going in details, Male literacy rate in this district is 71% and 330561 males are literate out of total 463594 male population, where as female literacy rate is 40% and 242756 out of total 409040 females are literate in this district.
Coming to dark side, illiteracy rate of Yamunanagar district is 34%. 299317 out of total 872634 population is illiterate in this village. In details, Male illiteracy rate in this district is 28% and 133033 males are illiterate out of total 463594 male population, where as female illiteracy rate is 40% and 166284 out of total 409040 females are illiterate in this district.
Total working population of Yamunanagar district is 275595 and non-working population is 597039 and out of 275595 working population 58064 peoples are totally dependent on agriculture.
District News