Sohagpur is a Block located in Shahdol district in Madhya Pradesh. Situated in rural part of Madhya Pradesh, it is one among the 5 blocks of Shahdol district. According to the government records, the block number of Sohagpur is 278. The block has 160 villages and there are total 44405 homes in this Block.
As per Census 2011, Sohagpur's population is 187275. Out of this, 95055 are males whereas the females count 92220 here. This block has 28745 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Out of this 14702 are boys and 14043 are girls.
Literacy rate in Sohagpur block is 50%. 95475 out of total 187275 population is literate here. In males the literacy rate is 58% as 55938 males out of total 95055 are educated however female literacy rate is 42% as 39537 out of total 92220 females are educated in this Block.
The dark portion is that illiteracy ratio of Sohagpur block is 49%. Here 91800 out of total 187275 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 41% as 39117 males out of total 95055 are uneducated. In females the illiteracy ratio is 57% and 52683 out of total 92220 females are illiterate in this block.
The number of employed individual of Sohagpur block is 88116 still 99159 are non-working. And out of 88116 occupied individual 16357 peoples are completely dependent on farming.