Dakshin Khayerpur is a village situated in Bhangar 2 Block of South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal. Located in rural region of South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal, it is one of the 60 villages of Bhangar 2 Block of South 24 Parganas district. According to the government records, the village number of Dakshin Khayerpur is 333710. The village has 124 families.
According to Census 2011, Dakshin Khayerpur's population is 657. Out of this, 356 are males whereas the females count 301 here. This village has 94 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Among them 54 are boys and 40 are girls.
Literacy rate in Dakshin Khayerpur village is 68%. 453 out of total 657 population is educated here. In males the literacy rate is 71% as 253 males out of total 356 are educated however female literacy rate is 66% as 200 out of total 301 females are literate in this Village.
The dark portion is that illiteracy rate of Dakshin Khayerpur village is 31%. Here 204 out of total 657 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 28% as 103 males out of total 356 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 33% and 101 out of total 301 females are illiterate in this village.
The number of employed individual of Dakshin Khayerpur village is 198 yet 459 are un-employed. And out of 198 occupied people 19 persons are fully dependent on cultivation.