Hazrahati Mirganj, Jalangi, Murshidabad, West Bengal | wikivillage.in

Hazrahati Mirganj - Village

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West Bengal Murshidabad Jalangi Hazrahati Mirganj

State - West Bengal District - Murshidabad Block - Jalangi Local Language - Bengali

About Hazrahati Mirganj village

Hazrahati Mirganj is a village positioned in Jalangi Block of Murshidabad district in West Bengal. Located in rural region of Murshidabad district of West Bengal, it is one of the 53 villages of Jalangi Block of Murshidabad district. According to the administration records, the village number of Hazrahati Mirganj is 314646. The village has 212 families.

Population of Hazrahati Mirganj village

According to Census 2011, Hazrahati Mirganj's population is 895. Out of this, 438 are males whereas the females count 457 here. This village has 149 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Out of this 75 are boys and 74 are girls.

Literacy rate of Hazrahati Mirganj village

Literacy rate in Hazrahati Mirganj village is 45%. 409 out of total 895 population is literate here. In males the literacy rate is 42% as 184 males out of total 438 are educated while female literacy rate is 49% as 225 out of total 457 females are educated in this Village.
The Negative side is that illiteracy rate of Hazrahati Mirganj village is shockingly high -- 54%. Here 486 out of total 895 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 57% as 254 males out of total 438 are illiterate. In females the illiteracy rate is 50% and 232 out of total 457 females are illiterate in this village.

Agricultural status of Hazrahati Mirganj village

The number of employed person of Hazrahati Mirganj village is 200 however 695 are un-employed. And out of 200 working individual 31 peoples are totally dependent on farming.

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