Arazi Shibnagar is a village placed in Jalangi Block of Murshidabad district in West Bengal. Positioned in rural area of Murshidabad district of West Bengal, it is one of the 53 villages of Jalangi Block of Murshidabad district. As per the government records, the village code of Arazi Shibnagar is 314610. The village has 145 homes.
According to Census 2011, Arazi Shibnagar's population is 579. Out of this, 292 are males while the females count 287 here. This village has 109 kids in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Among them 63 are boys and 46 are girls.
Literacy rate in Arazi Shibnagar village is 19%. 111 out of total 579 population is literate here. In males the literacy rate is 17% as 50 males out of total 292 are literate while female literacy rate is 21% as 61 out of total 287 females are educated in this Village.
The Negative part is that illiteracy rate of Arazi Shibnagar village is shockingly high -- 80%. Here 468 out of total 579 people are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 82% as 242 males out of total 292 are uneducated. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 78% and 226 out of total 287 females are illiterate in this village.
The number of employed individual of Arazi Shibnagar village is 213 however 366 are non-working. And out of 213 employed people 13 individuals are fully dependent on agriculture.