Ramipur village details
Ramipur is a village situated in Bhadohi Block of Sant Ravidas Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh. Placed in rural area of Sant Ravidas Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, it is one among the 267 villages of Bhadohi Block of Sant Ravidas Nagar district. According to the administration records, the village code of Ramipur is 210677. The village has 232 houses.
Ramipur's population is 1573. Out of this, 790 are males while the females count 783 here. This village has 265 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Among them 145 are boys and 120 are girls.
Literacy ratio in Ramipur village is 52%. 827 out of total 1573 population is literate here. In males the literacy ratio is 61% as 484 males out of total 790 are educated however female literacy ratio is 43% as 343 out of total 783 females are educated in this Village.
The Negative portion is that illiteracy ratio of Ramipur village is 47%. Here 746 out of total 1573 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 38% as 306 males out of total 790 are illiterate. In females the illiteracy rate is 56% and 440 out of total 783 females are illiterate in this village.
The count of employed individual of Ramipur village is 608 whereas 965 are non-working. And out of 608 working people 126 peoples are entirely reliant on farming.
Ramipur village news