Jahidpur village details
Jahidpur is a village located in Bhadohi Block of Sant Ravidas Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh. Placed in rural part of Sant Ravidas Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, it is one among the 267 villages of Bhadohi Block of Sant Ravidas Nagar district. According to the government records, the village number of Jahidpur is 210023. The village has 378 homes.
Jahidpur's population is 2856. Out of this, 1486 are males while the females count 1370 here. This village has 527 kids in the age group of 0-6 years. Out of this 278 are boys and 249 are girls.
Literacy ratio in Jahidpur village is 52%. 1497 out of total 2856 population is educated here. In males the literacy ratio is 59% as 880 males out of total 1486 are educated whereas female literacy rate is 45% as 617 out of total 1370 females are literate in this Village.
The dark portion is that illiteracy ratio of Jahidpur village is 47%. Here 1359 out of total 2856 individuals are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 40% as 606 males out of total 1486 are uneducated. In females the illiteracy ratio is 54% and 753 out of total 1370 females are illiterate in this village.
The number of employed people of Jahidpur village is 758 however 2098 are non-working. And out of 758 employed people 10 peoples are totally dependent on agriculture.
Jahidpur village news