Derawa Uparwar village details
Derawa Uparwar is a village located in Aurai Block of Sant Ravidas Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh. Situated in rural part of Sant Ravidas Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, it is one among the 287 villages of Aurai Block of Sant Ravidas Nagar district. According to the administration records, the village code of Derawa Uparwar is 210763. The village has 281 homes.
Derawa Uparwar's population is 1552. Out of this, 759 are males whereas the females count 793 here. This village has 307 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Among them 158 are boys and 149 are girls.
Literacy ratio in Derawa Uparwar village is 48%. 747 out of total 1552 population is educated here. In males the literacy ratio is 59% as 452 males out of total 759 are literate while female literacy ratio is 37% as 295 out of total 793 females are educated in this Village.
The dark side is that illiteracy rate of Derawa Uparwar village is shockingly high -- 51%. Here 805 out of total 1552 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 40% as 307 males out of total 759 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy ratio is 62% and 498 out of total 793 females are illiterate in this village.
The number of employed people of Derawa Uparwar village is 321 still 1231 are non-working. And out of 321 employed person 96 individuals are fully reliant on farming.
Derawa Uparwar village news