Lohitha, Sangam, Warangal, Telangana | wikivillage.in

Lohitha - Village

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State - Telangana District - Warangal Block - Sangam Local Language - Telugu

About Lohitha village

Lohitha is a village positioned in Sangam Block of Warangal district in Telangana. Situated in rural area of Warangal district of Telangana, it is one of the 19 villages of Sangam Block of Warangal district. According to the administration records, the village code of Lohitha is 578328. The village has 591 homes.

Population of Lohitha village

According to Census 2011, Lohitha's population is 2235. Out of this, 1121 are males while the females count 1114 here. This village has 212 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Out of this 100 are boys and 112 are girls.

Literacy rate of Lohitha village

Literacy ratio in Lohitha village is 53%. 1185 out of total 2235 population is literate here. In males the literacy rate is 62% as 706 males out of total 1121 are literate while female literacy rate is 42% as 479 out of total 1114 females are literate in this Village.
The Negative portion is that illiteracy ratio of Lohitha village is 46%. Here 1050 out of total 2235 individuals are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 37% as 415 males out of total 1121 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy ratio is 57% and 635 out of total 1114 females are illiterate in this village.

Agricultural status of Lohitha village

The count of occupied people of Lohitha village is 1171 still 1064 are non-working. And out of 1171 working people 230 peoples are totally dependent on agriculture.

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