
Shobhagpura - Village

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State - Rajasthan District - Udaipur Block - Bargaon Local Language - Mewari, Rajasthani , Hindi

About Shobhagpura village

Shobhagpura is a village situated in Bargaon Block of Udaipur district in Rajasthan. Positioned in rural region of Udaipur district of Rajasthan, it is one of the 108 villages of Bargaon Block of Udaipur district. According to the government records, the village number of Shobhagpura is 106429. The village has 988 families.

Population of Shobhagpura village

According to Census 2011, Shobhagpura's population is 4873. Out of this, 2512 are males while the females count 2361 here. This village has 476 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Among them 266 are boys and 210 are girls.

Literacy rate of Shobhagpura village

Literacy rate in Shobhagpura village is 75%. 3693 out of total 4873 population is literate here. Among males the literacy ratio is 83% as 2086 males out of total 2512 are literate whereas female literacy rate is 68% as 1607 out of total 2361 females are literate in this Village.
The dark portion is that illiteracy ratio of Shobhagpura village is 24%. Here 1180 out of total 4873 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 16% as 426 males out of total 2512 are uneducated. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 31% and 754 out of total 2361 females are illiterate in this village.

Agricultural status of Shobhagpura village

The count of employed people of Shobhagpura village is 1827 however 3046 are un-employed. And out of 1827 occupied people 321 individuals are totally reliant on agriculture.

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