
Baramsar - Village

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State - Rajasthan District - Hanumangarh Block - Rawatsar Local Language - Bagri, Punjabi

About Baramsar village

Baramsar is a village placed in Rawatsar Block of Hanumangarh district in Rajasthan. Situated in rural part of Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan, it is one among the 317 villages of Rawatsar Block of Hanumangarh district. As per the administration register, the village number of BARAMSAR is 68511. The village has 579 houses.

Population of Baramsar village

According to Census 2011, Baramsar's population is 3407. Out of this, 1746 are males whereas the females count 1661 here. This village has 512 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Among them 262 are boys and 250 are girls.

Literacy rate of Baramsar village

Literacy ratio in Baramsar village is 60%. 2051 out of total 3407 population is educated here. In males the literacy rate is 68% as 1201 males out of total 1746 are educated however female literacy rate is 51% as 850 out of total 1661 females are educated in this Village.
The dark side is that illiteracy ratio of Baramsar village is 39%. Here 1356 out of total 3407 people are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 31% as 545 males out of total 1746 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy ratio is 48% and 811 out of total 1661 females are illiterate in this village.

Agricultural status of Baramsar village

The count of working people of Baramsar village is 1704 whereas 1703 are non-working. And out of 1704 employed individual 1082 individuals are entirely dependent on farming.

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