Patur is a village placed in Kovur Block of Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. Located in rural part of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh, it is one of the 10 villages of Kovur Block of Nellore district. As per the administration register, the village number of Patur is 592109. The village has 1379 homes.
According to Census 2011, Patur's population is 4883. Out of this, 2436 are males whereas the females count 2447 here. This village has 471 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Out of this 236 are boys and 235 are girls.
Literacy ratio in Patur village is 62%. 3041 out of total 4883 population is educated here. Among males the literacy rate is 66% as 1630 males out of total 2436 are educated however female literacy rate is 57% as 1411 out of total 2447 females are literate in this Village.
The dark part is that illiteracy ratio of Patur village is 37%. Here 1842 out of total 4883 people are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 33% as 806 males out of total 2436 are uneducated. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 42% and 1036 out of total 2447 females are illiterate in this village.
The number of working person of Patur village is 2619 however 2264 are un-employed. And out of 2619 occupied people 284 peoples are totally reliant on agriculture.