Kharagpur 1 is a Block placed in Paschim Medinipur district in West Bengal. Placed in urban part of West Bengal, it is one among the 29 blocks of Paschim Medinipur district. As per the administration register, the block number of Kharagpur 1 is 307. The block has 270 villages and there are total 58335 houses in this Block.
As per Census 2011, Kharagpur 1's population is 258040. Out of this, 131073 are males while the females count 126967 here. This block has 28677 children in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Out of this 14585 are boys and 14092 are girls.
Literacy rate in Kharagpur 1 block is 68%. 176744 out of total 258040 population is educated here. In males the literacy rate is 74% as 98187 males out of total 131073 are literate while female literacy rate is 61% as 78557 out of total 126967 females are literate in this Block.
The dark part is that illiteracy rate of Kharagpur 1 block is 31%. Here 81296 out of total 258040 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 25% as 32886 males out of total 131073 are uneducated. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 38% and 48410 out of total 126967 females are illiterate in this block.
The count of employed individual of Kharagpur 1 block is 97883 however 160157 are non-working. And out of 97883 occupied person 6975 persons are completely reliant on cultivation.