Sikhar is a Block positioned in Mirzapur district in Uttar Pradesh. Located in rural area of Uttar Pradesh, it is one among the 12 blocks of Mirzapur district. According to the administration register, the block code of Sikhar is 796. The block has 101 villages and there are total 13713 families in this Block.
Sikhar's population is 90278. Out of this, 47114 are males while the females count 43164 here. This block has 13326 kids in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Out of this 7068 are boys and 6258 are girls.
Literacy rate in Sikhar block is 65%. 58751 out of total 90278 population is educated here. In males the literacy rate is 73% as 34664 males out of total 47114 are literate while female literacy rate is 55% as 24087 out of total 43164 females are literate in this Block.
The Negative side is that illiteracy rate of Sikhar block is 34%. Here 31527 out of total 90278 people are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 26% as 12450 males out of total 47114 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy ratio is 44% and 19077 out of total 43164 females are illiterate in this block.
The count of occupied individual of Sikhar block is 32213 while 58065 are un-employed. And out of 32213 occupied individual 8355 persons are fully dependent on farming.