Rupnagar, Rupnagar, Punjab |

Rupnagar - Block

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Punjab Rupnagar Rupnagar

State - Punjab District - Rupnagar Local Language - Punjabi, Hindi

About Rupnagar Block

Rupnagar is a Block placed in Rupnagar district in Punjab. Positioned in urban region of Punjab, it is one of the 5 blocks of Rupnagar district. According to the government register, the block code of Rupnagar is 125. The block has 199 villages and there are total 28270 homes in this Block.

Population of Rupnagar Block

As per Census 2011, Rupnagar's population is 144600. Out of this, 76624 are males while the females count 67976 here. This block has 15540 kids in the age bracket of 0-6 years. Among them 8435 are boys and 7105 are girls.

Literacy rate of Rupnagar Block

Literacy ratio in Rupnagar block is 73%. 105961 out of total 144600 population is literate here. Among males the literacy ratio is 77% as 59509 males out of total 76624 are educated whereas female literacy ratio is 68% as 46452 out of total 67976 females are literate in this Block.
The dark part is that illiteracy rate of Rupnagar block is 26%. Here 38639 out of total 144600 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 22% as 17115 males out of total 76624 are uneducated. In females the illiteracy rate is 31% and 21524 out of total 67976 females are illiterate in this block.

Agricultural status of Rupnagar Block

The number of occupied person of Rupnagar block is 47214 still 97386 are non-working. And out of 47214 employed individual 8181 individuals are entirely dependent on farming.

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List of Villages in Rupnagar Block