Gosani (Parlakhemundi ) is a Block situated in Gajapati district in Odisha. Situated in rural part of Odisha, it is one of the 7 blocks of Gajapati district. According to the government register, the block code of Gosani (Parlakhemundi ) is 218. The block has 136 villages and there are total 17386 homes in this Block.
As per Census 2011, Gosani (Parlakhemundi )'s population is 69447. Out of this, 34189 are males while the females count 35258 here. This block has 7531 children in the age group of 0-6 years. Among them 3851 are boys and 3680 are girls.
Literacy rate in Gosani (Parlakhemundi ) block is 50%. 34995 out of total 69447 population is literate here. Among males the literacy rate is 59% as 20473 males out of total 34189 are educated however female literacy rate is 41% as 14522 out of total 35258 females are literate in this Block.
The Negative portion is that illiteracy rate of Gosani (Parlakhemundi ) block is 49%. Here 34452 out of total 69447 individuals are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 40% as 13716 males out of total 34189 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 58% and 20736 out of total 35258 females are illiterate in this block.
The count of employed people of Gosani (Parlakhemundi ) block is 36903 while 32544 are un-employed. And out of 36903 employed individual 5722 persons are totally reliant on cultivation.